The A type trim is a drip trim, fitted to the lowest edge of the roof usually where the rainwater flows into the gutter.
The A200 is compatible with the B260 upstand trim.
Girth: 200mm; Depth: 90mm; Length: 3metres
Fitting Instructions
Two support battens should be fixed to the perimeter of the roof to provide space for the gutter to fit behind the trim, with the outer batten attached 10mm lower than the inner batten to allow the trim to sit flush with the roof.
Apply trim adhesive to the batten in 30mm beads at 300mm centres, rub the trim into place and nail to the decking. Do not nail through the front of the trim. If the pitch of the roof is only minimal, rainwater is likely to hold behind the trim. A planing (router) machine can be used to take 2mm off the deck to allow the trim to lay flush with the board.
(Don't forget Carriage)
Fitted to roof edges to allow drainage into gutter.
Compatible with C1, C2 and C4 corner trims.